Saturday, January 26, 2013

More for Me Systematic Desensitization

Truly we should live without guilt. So much so guilt has been a burden in my life. I have long felt guilty for things others have done and done to me. That's our culture guilt and self effacement as long as we aren't genuine in it. If it is suspected society has gotten to you and your modesty become too genuine people get angry for people making them almost realize what we have collectively done. However there was always enough there to tear us down rather than elevate themselves and we were scolded for ever giving ourselves credit when it is truly due.

Surviving and doing it well requires a certain disregard for others or their opinions at the very least. Often I suspect those willing to worry about their own affairs more than the needs of others prosper more superficially and society suffers the more for it. They themselves still suffer largely from societal problems and largely for the callousness that requires deadens them to the joys of love and life they stop feeling and only feel acquisition and a more damn it attitude towards pleasure.

We don't get enough food regardless how much we eat. We don't have big enough houses for all our possessions we don't use and oftentimes even want and curios of guilt full of things bought by people who by offering the gift proved they misunderstood our taste on a special occasion that they were expected to give us more and resentment creeps in but perhaps one doesn't notice it. With constant empty stimulation people have no idea what their feelings are.

Think what you could do in the time you spend watching TV. Lets start smaller just one show replaced a day with playing an instrument for a year. You wouldn't be brilliant but you would have gained a fair sufficiency in the instrument and it would be more satisfying than to listen to than a mp3. Think if you listened to instruments played by you and your friends for music at gatherings and told stories with your songs for entertainment for the majority of your life from then on. Imagine if you wrote your observations from your life in a journal to replace half hour show for a year. If you switched to non fiction from novels think how many practical skills could be self taught. What if books were judged by if they added to our life instead of “it kept my interest.” Novels are fine but should only be read if they are truly worth the effort in reading them. You will never read everything wonderful in this world and some of us drudge through a terribly written book because we started it. We have lost the English language when we start judging books by if we were happy that we finished it. “Best part was the end. I could stop reading.” You are not a prisoner suffering cruel and unusual punishment nor are you a high school student suffering cruel unusually poor educational systems. If you are reading of your own free will enjoy it that or just have an orgasm instead even if you have to masturbate.

Think what this constant non stimulation has done to us if the most creative of us can not keep the interest of the most dull of us. Rarely are we moved because stories are over dramatized rather than told more eloquently in order to stimulate emotion from us and we wish to feel but we leave a store and spite a homeless man for bread that he may eat that day and tell him we just want to get home and blame him for what he doesn't have and date online from profile pictures because we feel so little love in our lives.

What you don't have you wont have. You have to feel something to create it and if you don't create it in your life it wont be in your life. I am not talking about violence or hate received but emotions are our responsibility. Some of us have neurological depression problems but with discoveries of neuroplasticity even those who's mood centers are decimated can still have hope of recovery with work. TV is the most work avoidant thing I can think of even sleep you are upping productivity once you awake again and are doing healing work. I find it odd that dieticians have charts that depict how many calories are burned watching TV. I will point out the interesting fact that reading burns more calories than watching TV.

If you can do nothing else for your health give up TV for a month and read for that time or play an instrument. Keep a journal for a month before starting and keep a journal for a month during. You can start watching TV again in the future if you want but try again keeping a journal for a month to depict your mental health and reread it. That's the key the rereading. No news either if you cant read the news you don't get news. Try finding a paper you like, something that sounds intelligent and well written maybe even a paper from different political views as well as your own. It balances ones opinions and at the least makes us better able to argue our points.

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