Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Bullshit?

So what's with everyone saying 2012 did not herald massive destruction as foretold by Mayans?  I thought it was  quite a stunning coincidence of mass destruction happening at this general time.  I never took it to be  the end of the world in an instant.   I think grass in Antarctica, drowning endangered polar bears that people still want to hunt, and mass child murder is destruction enough for the same fucking week to be concerned about.  Do people have rapture shoved up their ass that far  that they see the end as a sudden moment like gods wrath of an angry god's hate ejaculation for human kind? It was fast but intense?  Seriously people.   I think I will shock and piss off enough of you with that I will let you consider this point without taking all the thoughtfulness on the subject from you doing your own thought.  Basically because I would like you all to actually do that.  Think.